you'll make more progress in life if you work on problems we all share

if intel had smart management, they would give away all their intellectual property
the business is moribund, just like boeing

some people only want to live in warhammer universe
that way of living has no future

what did you think it all meant?

people really fight wars with these things around?

how many drones can a jet engine eat?
the world needs a real superpower

maybe warp drive isn't coming
but weapons that can recognize an officer sure are coming

i want to hear my governments plan to prevent or "win" future wars

i want to hear the mighty cia's plan to protect our intellectual property

i'm taking your chain now
because sooner or later, nobody is going to respect team america anyhow

G7 leaders set to highlight Chinese overproduction

keep doing what you are doing
but on your way home from work
go find some kids, and yell
"some of you are gonna die in taiwan!"

you played your role well, uncle sam

Their pay in the Bay Area is double tsmc in taiwan for equivalent roles in raw dollar terms but the ppp differences means your better off working for tsmc in Taiwan than intel in the Bay Area. Thatโ€™s not a joke. Intel are literally incapable of attracting talent from Taiwan right now.

that sounds like it is caused by the same problem as homelessness

should we fix our rules to solve the problem
or make God fix it
with brain injuries?

Family of slain hostage Carmel Gat releases part of Hamas propaganda video
IWI CARMEL assault rifle

should i warn people
don't catcall the drummer
you don't know who is listening

maybe i am a role model

starlight tours are available to all communities

baiting traps

my pp shape