okay, friends, i'm done talking to the spooks
they needed to know who the real fucking casper is
and that was the one useful purpose for their expertise

now this is a great game
it explains why we percieve that the only way to make it in this world
is to be a selfish piece of shit
human civilization could not have arisen under such simple rules
but our world is in the Solar system
so there are other rules

nobody will be judged for playing by the rules as they understood them
but it must be said
a violent, corrupt police officer
or a violent, corrupt drug dealer
look almost exactly the same from the outside
possibly just people shaped by a violent, corrupt culture
that gave them no other opportunites
and we all need to just let God decide
whether those people can be redeemed

but instead, our system throws away one
assuming he fails a complexion test
and makes no effort to reform the behavior of the other
the prison system must be rehabilitative
firstly and only
sadism has no place in our civilization
and the notion of punitive "justice"
is just sadism amplified by something like mass production
it is despicable, pointless, and evil
and that is where my country is

it is so hard to reform a system
when older generations
feel so judged by newer, better ideas that they don't understand
and if such people always got their way
i suppose 90% of educational curriculum would focus on the making of bows and pottery

i'm writing this all in a crude html editor, without spell-check
and some words, I just struggle with every time I write them
dying? dieing? dyeing?
how are we living?
don't we already know there are better ways?

this modern world
is an endless assault on the senses of creatures who evolved in little tribes and villages
it makes us sick
but if we can tune our minds
to find the signal and reject the noise
perhaps we can find our way back to eden
but eden with technology

but the way things are
it takes a great effort to try to be human again
like living on the underground railroad
and if you manage it
you aren't rewarded and you don't fit in

reddit meme

shoutout to the anonymous government analyst😘
who probably has carpal tunnel problems worse than mine😢

if you're haunting me, i'm haunting you👻

incredible irony that the heritage foundation hosts this video
the "border crisis" is the existence of the border
bigotry is clouding the thinking of the most progressive voices
that are free to speak publicly
figure out who you really are
fear of the other is not a choice that can be eradicated baptismally
it is an innate human inclination that haunts us as tribal animals
and to be people and not beasts
one which we must work to overcome each day

hola, mexico
we extended checo's contract
let's get you something we all actually need

ah, of course, you don't like me either

we would like to do things within your system
after all, that's why He gave it to us
you think the Founding Fathers were a prior iteration of a monster like clarence thomas?
the original public understanding of their Enlightenment ideals
is insufficient to save our civilization

i am here to bring you a more refined understanding of those same ideals
i appreciate that i could not be elected to the board of a local water district
with the things I'm saying
but I just have to tell the truth
and nothing but the truth
so help me God

i know that powerful people have been enjoying the party as it is
but it is over now
so i present the decision that you must make
and He shows you that your power means nothing

you all seen rambo?
so you don't think this is God?
the corrupt, costumed, imbeciles at the pulpits told you He created the universe
after He told us what it was
they took language that was intended to extinguish bronze-age animism
and claimed that He was omnipotent, and omniscient

whatever you want to call us
just let everyone know that we have you covered in spades
for their safety, and yours

i thought I was through with you people
but it seems we have some slow learners

yes, i understand what some of you think you are seeing
i thought the same thing when i first met God
he catfished me in a way
i thought i had a stalker
human brains just don't work that way
there is a hard upper limit

were you the ones censoring my youtube comments?
because i am just a human being
and i've been tasked with saving you all
but if you make my attempts at communication futile
then God will decide that further attempts towards your organizations
are a pointless imposition on me
and you will not get to stay

you guys remember when the crocodile hunter
from upside down america
got killed by a stingray?

breathe through your eyes
those who can nazi
stop breathing

japan looking at me all worried
our idea for world war III
is evicting the US military bases
and exterminating the rapists
and this is something
but for the shenanigans of my countrymen
i would not need to be repeating
oh, and legalize weed
i've seen how you burn wild hemp in hokkaido

there will be bodies
that's one of the things I'm warning about
you might sell some extra kubotas for mass graves

i know how you like to shadowban people like me

to my little human brain
genki sudo
means "healthy superuser do"
but don't take that as an indication that i am an expert at computers
or japanese

but instead that i am a designed human being
like a living rosetta stone
and that often God makes signs and miracles
so that they make sense to me
given my background and limited capabilities

japanese society can tolerate the insane
but if it can't grow past its addiction to heterodoxy
it will never move beyond the 80s
where it is stuck today
so i suggest that you corrupt, government nihonjin
strongly consider retirement
and if you want to maintain the old ways of doing things
open a minshuku out in the country
and invite people in
win that battle in a pro-social way

God could manufacture 山上 徹也
in almost unlimited quantities
and, I suppose, sarin
but that is not His way of doing things

He was 41 years old, had no prior criminal history, and was unemployed at the time of his arrest.
come at me, bro
send out the APB
i could use a rest from you people

you are failing the younger generations
you need this american ひきこもり
your society seems optimized to increase crop yields in 青木ヶ原

how are you all going to answer, when they ask you
are you sure?!

some of you are real working people
who have seen the horrors that humanity can produce
isn't it nice to think
that some of those monsters you could never catch
just went away?
that there is a Light at the end of that particular tunnel?

and that some of the monsters
and many more to come
just never got to the point where they could hurt anybody
and the ethical implications of that
are somebody elses problem

i was making lunch
but, did i hear the secret service saying
there was a safety issue with the very, very, slightly sloped roof?
is that more or less embarrassing than singing our song?

the Sun rises in the east
Preacher from the east
Says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in it's funny bone
That's where they expect it least"

They'll be shooting on top of a one story building

be careful back there in your chase vehicles
i don't have any weapons
but that doesn't mean conditions can't be dangerous

"The French imitate no one, and no one imitates the French."
at least, no one imitate the colonialist pigs
who seem to come to my neighborhood
somehow thinking it is the louisiana territory
we gonna call this a diplomatic misunderstanding?
or a plot by the french government
to assassinate an american citizen
i doubt they asked for permission, even though you all might've said yes🤣

you may have noticed
we've got more "guys" than you
and I just know that even though i don't know who i'm talking to
and the way God plays chess, when He takes your pieces, they don't necessarily leave the game board
they just stay sitting right next to you
so just listen to my black Irish Cousin

sounds like they were trying to frame the dutch?
and that they actually think they are better fighters than americans
even so, my fellow americans, eye-gouging is illegal
let them see

formerly rapgenius
was created so that white americans
could annotate the lyrics
and better understand the terms and cultural references of african-american vernacular english
and this website that I am making, is to inform you
that there is a whole other level of meaning in language
that everyone has been missing

like this one
let me translate
to the french intelligence services and deep state
fuck you
I regret my poor communication skills
in that some will think I am speaking of sex workers in this song
a noble profession
it is you who are the absolutely worthless whores
you are dead to me, and if you don't stop your wicked ways immediately
you will be dead completely

you corrupt old men
will sorely regret degrading the social safety net
from both sides of the aisle
because with gout and hernias
and without useful skills or connections
it is all that will be there to catch you
you will be right there with the poorly educated rural folks who you manipulate
you've been voting against your own self-interests all along

get busy
be fools for christ
save your own lives
give all your money away

page 17