i guess you guys
the corrupt thugs from the various gangs who think they run the worlds governments
are looking at maps of my neighborhood
wondering why it is that you can't get to me
"dancing with strangers"

An occupational surname from Middle English Spenser, Spencer, Spensier, from the common noun spenser (“spencer”), denoting someone who works in a spense (“spence”), or as a butler or steward.
the thing is, i'm not important
what you need to acknowledge to yourselves
and to everyone you can reach
is who do i work for?

i do important clerical work
i deliver the mail
you people are fucking clowns
but, like, clowns who have never been to clown college
so the only useful thing you can do
is be the joke

see, context is essential for communication
and people like yall
well, most of what you think you know is wrong
so, for God
there is a very great deal of education that He must do
before He can even get to "hello"
and now we find ourselves in a situation
(every school teacher will understand this)
where the hyperactive bullies are dominating every conversation
and teacher just needs to put a dunce cap on your heads
and put you in timeout
so She can spend time with students who are better listeners

i know who you are
both individually, and collectively
individually, you are cowards in need of self-actualization
but you denied yourselves that, and sought the comfort of a criminal gang
and collectively, you are a malignant narcissist
Cupid infected you with a powerful limerance for me
and i know what you want to do to me
you are not going to get that satisfaction
so as individuals, you need to decide if you insist on taking the collective punishment
that such creatures sadly require

You're really loose, I'm on a safari
You shake your ass phenomеnal
So I can devour you like an animal
If you haven't arrivеd, I'll wait for you
In my bed and I'll celebrate

you animals know
on a safari, there are two types of shooting
i suggest you get yourselves on TV
and concede

the bible?

the important thing today
is that Sun tzu
knows more about the art of war
than you

i know the silly delusions that you costumed idiots have
about yourselves and your important role in society
and as narcissists
when someone challenges this delusion
it sends you into a rage
and when someone criticizes you, constructively
it makes you paranoid
that is why you can't tolerate true free speech
because i'm just a dude writing poetry in my childhood bedroom

we don't want to set the world on fire
the only people who threaten civilization
are you

and yeah, you are just gonna have to live
with these sick burns I'm putting on you
but, trust me, that is a thing that a person can do

hello, indian spooks!
have you been getting our calls?
i am a problem when i'm on my computer
but it is an old computer, so I can't install the software that you want me to
i'm stuck on mac os avalon
so what we're gonna need you to do
is just admit that your government is full of scammers
on a livestream
and that we are the best ever at what we do

now that is another thing
and a symptom of our fascist society
identity theft is crime against banks and lenders
the individuals should not be the victim in any way
they are made victims by banks and lenders
who use the courts and pigs
they have overturned the presumption of innocence in every meaningful way
but if lenders operate their businesses responsibly
they will miss opportunities to con people into taking on debt
that they shouldn't take on anyway
every time you have a credit card offer shoved in your face
that shit represents a great deal of evil that you cannot see

so let's just call all debt
fruit of a poisoned tree
and make it all go away

oh, and if you think you have something i want
obviously, you are well behind the story
I'm trying to catch you up
for all i care, you can throw it in the sea

we want you spooks to see what happens to people who make themselves our enemies

we aren't sadists
you seem to be
if you are pro-pain
we can technically supply as much as you need

(yes, obviously the CIA still tortures people. they "stopped" the same way they "accidently" got rid of the videos of them doing so. now that is another thing they will need to admit to doing)

everybody's teeth good?
thank God california provides dental care for free
my gympie-gympie friends, you are upside down americans

perhaps in prison, that pain will go away?

so this guy escapes scrutiny?
i guess i'm not broseph enough to be considered white to you fucking bigots?
that is something of which I was already aware

you know, the etymology of schizophrenia
it think it means "split mind"
if you are gonna regard me that way
you need to understand that the other me can destroy everything if He sneezes in the wrong direction
everything you have seen so far, well
milton berle used to say, only take out enough of your cock to win the contest
you want to see more?
keep pulling out more of your micropeen

should we bring back crucifixions?
it is up to you all, really
golden rule time
he has seen what men like you are capable of
watched it all since the beginning
so as much as you shitstains ought to turn our stomach
there is a callous where that particular sort of empathy should be

we are giving you a choice between me
and freddie
yall such fucking bums you won't take a haircut?

how is everyone sleeping?

666M views, currently

so you live in a corrupt environment
not designed by the Guy who cares about and works to create conditions conducive to human health
so you've all got to be pill heads
you are corrupt people, so i'm sure you know how to identify corrupt doctors
but everyone who has been down that road knows there is a big difference between prolonged unconciousness
and quality sleep

tell everybody
how you fought
how you got beat

since you think i'm not white
maybe if you had done what you claimed you were doing
and actually treated everyone the same
you wouldn't have ended up in this horrible predicament

the thing that we can't convince you of
is our motivations
that will take time
but we are here
and God always has been
what i can say with certainty, is that we know what motivates you
and we don't trust you

be logical
i sleep just fine
and the amount of energy He has is inconceivable
you know that word, don't you?

you, however are going to end up looking compromised
in ways no one can ignore
and then we just move down the echelon
this game was over before you started playing

it is honestly hilarious that you think people would reject a theocracy that vibes this hard
but thanks for posting evidence of your disinformation campaigns/tactics
again, if you are lying to everybody
how can we have free and fair elections?
or did you misinterpret my words last time I said that
my tongue is funny that way

maybe this is something some of you would prefer?
I play the music that appeals to me as an 80s kid
but God has stuff for everybody
i guess you can try just burning the candle at both ends like elvis
die on a toilet juiced to the gills
same outcome either way as far as we're concerned

this is the only way that the 4.5billion year old dude out there
could figure out how to build a civilization
you are fucking squatters
this is a notarized eviction notice

hey, brits!
the type of brits who root for verstappen over hamilton
for reasons
we are trying to save your lives, deputies

isn't Stephen Fry a national treasure?
perhaps the only one you didn't steal from another country

i'm little alex horn
something with my mouth makes my words come out funny
and the taskmaster, is somewhat larger than 6'9
(am i understating things correctly?)

we are inviting you to join our show
and giving you a task
so that you may be entertaining

how could you have seen this coming?

welcome, crocodile hunters
i'm from actual Oz
insofar as it exists
you gonna try slandering me
as a human being?
it is public record

maybe try talking shit on mrs. Doubt Fire?

this is his hidden treasure chest
these words come from the golden grand piano
pick your jaws up off the floor
and use them to do
what you might have once dreamed
make the world a better places

i'm sure the most influential "people" in every country
even little tiny ones, with little in the way of mass media
and by influential, I mean people who have earned public esteem through merit
rather than surviving decades of frat boy hazing
are on our team

Sen. Robert Menendez guilty on all counts
men end ez
cool name
cold maybe

hank sobel asked me if i wanted to go work at the super-k one summer
i would've been changing the neutrino sensors
which i was told are basically light bulbs
do light bulbs ever burn out if they are under mountains?
do light bulbs ever burn out at night?

do you really think that we figured out how to make big integrated circuits ourselves?
i've heard that they were chasing moore's law away pretty successfully with fancy masking techniques before they had to go to euv

america's army was trash
because no good game devs would go work for you people
i just looked
that was a whole series?
who knew?
I've decided who my real Brother is
he says, "itsa me!"
so cute

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