the perfect girl
violet chachki

Using a fake ID to perform in local drag shows, she eventually won Miss New Faces at Friends on Ponce in Atlanta and was adopted as a "drag daughter" by drag queens Dax Exclamationpoint (who competed on the eighth season of Drag Race) and Genre Monster.

somehow i think "drag daughter" could have other definitions in other conexts

there are people who have children or pets
because they perceive that as being a thing that sociopaths are not reputed to do
the dependent becomes part of their disguise

i use the terms sociopath/psychopath as synonyms
i have seen people on the internet who seem to think there is a distinction

as i understand
psychopath was the term first used
and is intended to mean that the psyche in question is pathological essentially
as a warning to psychiatrists that such individuals cannot be treated
and that efforts at treatment only strengthen the psychopaths malingering skills

but this created confusion when the term spread to the laiety
psychopathology is term that refers to any mental illness
meaning any disease process affecting the psyche
rather than that the psyche itself is a disease

so sociopath, anti-social personality disorder, dissocial personality disorder, psychopath are all synonyms
at least that is my understanding

but erdogan is an anti-christ
denial of the armenian genocide is most problematic
because it is emblematic of current turkish mistreatment of minorities

they cannot be honest about their history, because their present is despicable
i pray for peace in western armenia, kurdistan, constantinople

obviously, russians are cut from the same cloth as the turks

erdogan testing his security stooges and getting whole bloodlines removed

i think the best performance enhancing drug in shooting competitions is a beta blocker
blocks adrenaline from affecting your body
an alternative would be simply not being alive enough to even care about the outcome
so you don't get nervous in the first place

russia never landed on venus
very little human participation in the "russian" space program

only way to get alabama IQ above room temperature
send the rocket scientists there

somehow, that wasn't sufficient to prevent them from making klanma their governor

evangelical christians
seem to be among the most obsessed with eschatology
but they don't seem to know anything about it
except that they perceive that their enemies will die
i guess that's one thing everybody wants to see

they are likewise obsessed with and ignorant of marxism
trumpers need vibes too
but i doubt a single one of them has the ability to write a song that good

all technology is queer technology
without God being a communist
working for free
humans don't master stone knapping

if you use the internet
it will make you queer or kill you eventually

i feel better knowing there is a plan
than just sort of pretending none of it is happening

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez helping to jump start a car on Capitol Plaza

Food Insecurity in Fascist America Allegedly Reminds Haitian Immigrants of Home

Your goose is cooked

you gov guys going to the hague?

i don't think ll cool j is with the ncis anymore
i think yall gonna miss him in the fight scenes

because that is another thing we share in common
our best move in the scene is to let ourselves get disarmed

This Spider built a web on my bug trap. The light attracts insects.
i'm a terroist?
like if a toddler tried to say terrorist

okay, so i'm tall
y'know what being tall has gotten me?
walking into spiderwebs other people miss
just feels bad, man

my parental units are giving their brains to science
alzheimers research isn't there yet

the science yall need to "win" this conflict is far off in the future
and God is doing it for us already
welcome to the final frontier

i will be the last living asshole
a macabre monument to my kind

i guess the sad truth is
some things god can just change