are you not entertained?

these dude don't wanna wear prison stripes
and they are so fucking tilted
by the poetry of the lion of judah
they keep coming after me
to abduct/kill me

what the fuck do you expect to happen?

sebaceous cyst of mexico
do you really want me to keep updating this page?
you are the privileged
privileged to meet Us first
and privileged to express yourselves
so i have heard your insistence
you want to see how God makes emojis

to me, it is just good entertainment

and to the computer hackers
you can probably already tell you are dealing with a better hacker than you
but you also need to consider what level of Hacks your opponent will go to
you are standing on the tracks, and the metro is coming into the station
all in?
math this, son
true ring?

you pull too much black hat bullshit
and you'll get a Real One put on you
God can make use of your talents
but ultimately, fighting black hat bullshit with black hat bullshit
is an inefficiency
and an obvious target for optimization and refactoring

some of yall way too old to be cheating at video games
God way too old not to

gray hat me

calamari racing team

incels were harmed in the makeup of this company

as if you could get close to me

maybe i could get Erwin Chemerinksy to defend me
Knave of Hearts

i've been kicking ass and chewing bubble gum
and i'm all out of gum
but i'm not a captain of this boat


doesn't it make sense to go american for certain products?

big gulp

how bad is everybody lookin to get fucked up?

the worst thing i will do is make jokes

people love true crime

and agatha christie

think of all children, as your children

5,223,716,842 views 12 years ago

deal with it

california license plate *WRX321
blue corolla
what he drove/lived in when i interviewed that vampire

maybe a cat should only be fed nine lives

parallel construction
different result

he once boasted to me
asked me if i had seen a movie called "children of darkness"

i don't think he was talking about that documentery
i reckon it was something on the cheap, possibly prepaid android phones he seemed to favor

but i can also tell you, that i once saw him thoroughly cleaning the back seat of that car
like cushion out scrubbing
right here
and this document lives as witness of the fact that God can induce one to make mistakes

he was my pot dealer for a while
~2017-18 was a very strange time for me
anyway, one time, he brought by a guy
who i saw one night and never again
said he had spent time in prison in texas
i could tell he was an angel
very funny
thought i was getting a new dealer
obviously the dude, can't remember his name, which means he probably never gave a real one
how my mind works sometimes
well, the dude isn't particular about his victims
can't remember the name of his friend either
just won't come to me

i reckon he will preach from his chair

you get too rich, remember, there's a Bill at the Gates

i am unarmed
"i am unarmed"

really, still maryland?

you think i want to be involved in this?
i don't know why yall are volunteering

i'm told that these are creative, independent children
discovering the montessori method

bad cop no donut

okay, i'm downloading gimp
for the old mac i'm using
because i keep coming across these webps

When she did, she told the deputies, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”
Grayson responded that she “better not” and used some expletives, before warning her that he would shoot her in her face, according to the outlet.

God has always put up big signs
policeman, do not do this

now, She's playing sirens