you service men

You got mud on your face, you big disgrace

48 hours constitution free. I might've spoken to you if it weren't so. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

instead you get SOL

do yall know how to view source?
i did warn you

to be continued...

Tom and Ray Magliozzi, of NPR's Car Talk radio program, named their business corporation "Dewey, Cheetham & Howe".

anybody would have fallen into God's trap
you can run on that
but you can't run from that

old wisdom says
you need to pose just so to put forward the best image publicly
new wisdom sees you walking into a fight
leading with your chin

i guess maybe some people are brave
they don't care if they die
will they care how they are remembered?

how many will it take for everyone to see the picture?

people still seem confused
like raccoons washing cotton candy
like they are the sleeping giant awakening
for something other than a beating

but if you like that type of flower that much
that is what you shall be

kids, this is how it sometimes be when you join a SWAT team

july 23rd, 2024 9:41AM PST
this is where we are in my understanding
the powerful people
they think that there is dignity in their way of doing things
that We ask too much
and they can't resist seeing me as
just a man who has committed some clever crimes
and demonstrated an extraordinary ability to defend himself
so i'm shouting out people from the future here

okay, i'm sure my version more like

but at least i'm tuned into the right station

and unfortunately, the radio is saying that some difficult engineering decisions have been made

but some people already boarded my flight😘

figure out the meaning of this
how long have you been investing in yourself?
can you see how long God has been investing in you?
so why would God throw away an all-star?
we want to grow that team to be as big as it can possibly be
for some it may have a different meaning🤣

from 'racing extinction'

i was corrupted on my rumspringa
i'm not gonna judge people for being from an old religion

it's gonna sound crazy
but to stop us all from sinking
i'm just gonna need to drill holes in a few boats

turns out it is just coups and counter-coups
all over
these days
God can dance to that tune

am i gonna have to make five of these?
what're you gonna do, have billy carter endorse your swill?

some people are just gonna be angry that i'm trying to put a work out

they live within kayfabe

tfw you discover that everywhere is a potemkin village to some degree

you ever mishear the lyrics
maybe even for years you are singing it the wrong way

start at 123

how to catch a Gambling addict

i will direct your attention to the facade
parking in rear

this is how God tells me i need to trim my beard

i have spent a lot of time grinding for xp

oh, gross
at the top (representing the vessel in which leeches were kept)
The pole itself represents the staff that the patient gripped during the procedure to encourage blood flow
the more you know?🌈

some people just game like that
sit on rooftops
getting off shots on little kids
killing the ones who look free

and i know he liked fireworks
and probably lighting small fires
to assess at once the responsiveness of neighbors and authorities

but me, i am completely cool
trust me
we all gotta come from somewhere

some people come from literal nothing

i forgot to attach the warning label

i guess this is an appendix
you're not going to believe me, but he is talking about seymour cray

just sounding our fallen gong

It used to be that a glimpse of stocking sound the alarm in our hearts. Today we know
Anything goes.
It used to be that authors know beautiful poems. Now, they throw cow dungs in our eyes.
Anything goes.
This crazy world is in disorder. Photos can be forged a hundred times. They always forget most things are ridiculous.
Although it's a pity I'm not his (lover?), but I know Anything goes.