i'm giving out rides
in a 4th gen lincoln continental
known for blowing minds
with peculiar offers of help from the world's governments
i can see no home for newsom
sometimes i wish i lived in a place like a favela
being one of the poorest people in a rich place
well, everybody around you thinks you have earned your shame
i haven't seen much of the show, but i get the impression that you don't want to be in his scenes
california has about 1.2 million empty homes
and the government chooses the whims of investors and wealthy vacationers over sheltering living people
i guess i'm not declaring Eminent Domain in a way they recognize
now these fucking trolls are even trying to run from the bullet
can't accept Miraculous shooting
same way We took the photo
you wanna call it spooky action at a distance?
dark brandon, tell your truth
another thing that i do
just as badly
is pool maintenance
i cleaned the filter today
the cleaner was stuck
and the problem ended up being in the cleaner head
so i have to confess to being the zodiac healer
and don't get a pool
i'm not saying nobody should have one
you'd just really have to love having one
like, love love
like, i want to spend hours shopping for gifts for my fuckin pool
there is this thing
Calcite Saturation Index
i call it the stalagmite index, because i'm at that level of chemistry
when it gets out of wack
it is putting deposits in your pipes one way
or leaching calcium out of the plaster of the pool surface the other way
so i guess that is what i'm trying to figure out
so i violated a city ordinance
and drained some pool water into the street
i'm hoping that perhaps some day, i can get a sophisticated analysis of my pool water
by filing a FOIA request
and if you just need to have a pool for status reasons
the thing is, the world wildlife fund went and took vince mcmahons name from him
a long time ago
you should take that as a lesson
your culture sucks
and these blankets we have given you
were poisoned with Our love
july 25th, 2024
you got trouble with guys who think they are tough in your neighborhood?
my act travels well
is that a 1982 chrysler new yorker?
i actually don't know, fun game for the car guys
climb to the top
and get closer to God than you want to be
i built a sort of still