six hours isn't quite enough sleep for me
our government is fully of treasonous scum
who differ from those who came to hang Pence for doing the right thing
only in that the people trying to kill Spencer
are complete and total cowards
i suppose i could use therapy
but all i have done is make this neat no code video game
if you want me to play the bad guy
well, yall are fucking noobs
and this role has magical powers
be prepared to lose
i think the notion that God is trying to convey
is that he differs from current world governments not in methods and means
but simply in competence
and that the incompetence of current governments is so dramatically terrible
it will destroy the planet for all future generations
I know this shit is boring to 99% of people out there, but god damn is it frustrating to talk about a system that is supposedly "free market" but is set up where one group pays for special access and special treatment and are simply just a parasite in the system. And a parasite that has also been shown to destabilize the system at the worst possible times at that.
when the beret-wearing bitches in the government send you spam
you can be sure it is made from real pigs
I 'Raw Dogged' A 2,500-Mile Road Trip And Now I'm Dead
obituary says, your idiots died in diapers
you credulous fools take me absolutely seriously when i vaguely imply that i know what you are tilted about
but then completely ignore me when i explicitly tell you what you must not do
no quarter for grown men acting like toddlers
that man looked like he'd been put through a lot of hard miles
for it all to end so unceremoniously
you honor the men who died fight barbary pirates more than the living people you work with day to day
call in reinforcements, and wait
that's how you live through this sort of thing
maybe if you had the gift of gab, you could make a different play
but you don't seem to have the strength to say anything
or just retire
and look back on better days
i am the reinforcement
asshole son
here to wash away the reign of idiocracy
But if I talk about God, my record won't get played, huh?
what did you find?
why did you start stalking me?
but since you are fans
yes, i have spent the last 12 years in my bedroom practicing my routines
the photon torpedo is not only a physics error, but a clumsy retcon
and if anything close to supraluminal travel is even possible
to achieve it you'd be stealing an unfathomable amount of matter from a sometimes vengeful God
to travel to star systems that would almost certainly be unbelievably hostile
like, welcome to alpha centauri
home of an utterly bored psychopath
with the power to do to you whatever it pleases
"Because of the reflection of sunlight off the spacecraft , the Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light, as if there were some special significance to this small world; but it's just an accident of geometry and optics."
carl was on PBS
but somehow didn't know about happy accidents
O.C. serial bank robber nabbed just before latest stickup: OCSD
Dead man banned from his own funeral after arriving on chair
what is michael che up to?
Man accused of decapitating parents sang Tina Turner after being shot by deputies
I love you, I'm sorry you're gonna have to die
absolute scum
same story as above
IP law is a dead-end career
Mariah Carey Confirms Her Mom Patricia and Sister Alison Both Died on Same Day: 'My Heart Is Broken'
lobotomy is death
is patti russo secretly a cop killer?