matthew 23
we have a problem with obligate hemiparasitic organisms
and organizations
i was expecting a rose parade, like anybody else
hummer ev left out?
ban ghost guns, subsidize these?
what are lithium battery explosions supposed to sound like?
then in the sequel you find out this mfer showed up with every cop on earth on his ass
is all this because you want me to say that i love pigs?
you people may think you're cute, i think you are abusers
"it seems like he is trying to send a message with visualization"
hey, we also now know why tesla designed a truck where you can't reach the fucking bed
that fuck kennedy is such a pussy i already see him trying to find a way to fence ride this shit
the skyhook is also the shot that causes people to change their names to "jabbar"
😂don't think somebody who freudian slips this bad should be shaving his head
we do not anticipate that anyone else who wasn't involved in this attack is 42 years old
mr graves in rotbury?
i know the fbi is pretty busy, but i would look into that one
you want God to play by your rules because We are on "your" territory?
it is the united states government whose logistical capabilities i question
the way monopoly actually works, you take food off the table so you have room to play your game
you guys hungry for more korean wings?
World's 1st 'tooth regrowth medicine' to be tested in Japan from Sept. 2024
they need me to be a blue dog democrat
if you pronounced misery, missourah, you could be president for a while in the 90s
aurora has a boner
Attempt to arrest S Korea president suspended after dramatic standoff
it sounds like they need martial law to arrest the dude for declaring martial law
you want us to make recruiting videos for the military?
this is a fight for survival, and you people are unprepared
i am a mean cripple
and you men from washington are two-faced criminals
reveal that to the audience
Long Beach restaurant under fire for serving Popeyes chicken
this man eats "spinach" and tokes constantly?
i actually heard it was because the federal government mismeasured the iron content of spinach
and many depression-era children were anemic
so they were trying to promote spinach
come to think of it
doesn't it seem convenient
that the government knew they had a difficult problem with malnutrition
and then "discovered" that a cheap food
presumably produced by an industry that employed lobbyists
could "solve" the problem
i do like spinach
He attempted to implement efforts to orchestrate chaos and violence in the streets to justify his power grab, however, the Carabinero police refused an order to lift the cordon against street demonstrations in the capital, according to a CIA informant.
you are a long way from "your" country
i got a laptop
so i can hack now
i am paying for everyone's food right now, right here
i don't care how many terminal commands i have to type
there is enough fucking stuff
some of us who actually work can rest our wrists for a while
Someone actually makes plans for the future
and there are "those" prepared to do the work that still needs doing
what would i say?
i am aware that He eats people like me
but he hasn't eaten me yet
that is the best relationship i've had in my life
okay, so i don't really know any of my men
or care if they die
how to cheat gypsies out of their lives
this guy found out about turo
i think that is a national security threat, and i'd like to file a report
i make my house easy to find for the same reason
it is trash day in my neighborhood
and waste management has always been reliable
if they are dumping outside of trump hotel, well, i'm pretty sure that is one of Their properties
iirc, a mask that blocks neutrinos is like lightyears thick
Apple Siri Eavesdropping Payout—Here’s Who’s Eligible And How To Claim
evil is not a mangled body on a street
evil would be allowing you washington fuckwits to continue marching us all towards a seneca cliff
you fight so hard to keep your house of cards together, you are pulling us in the wrong direction
Instead, it's time for someone, anyone, to create real, broad regulation for the modern digital age.
does that man look like he sells favors?
or does he look like a judas goat?
what would you call me?
can anyone find a convincing etymology for "lose your nerve"?
dogs are the betamax of animals and cats are laserdisc
if humans had been extruded from a feline base
every human would require their own 40 mile radius
if you are the richest man in the world
you have the privilege to say
the universe had its way with me
i didn't get to choose
but it is also true for everyone else