“At this time we don’t know why the military aircraft came into the path of the ... aircraft.”
they were warned
US figure skating team member Spencer Lane's haunting final post from inside doomed plane
spencer skates
Why didn’t the control tower tell the helicopter what to do instead of asking if they saw the plane. This is a bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented.
trump, the "control tower" did tell the helicopter what to do
and you are among the many people who could have prevented this
or at least don't fly
trump trying to open another concentration camp in cuba
little does he realize that all he won in the election was a kafkaesque nightmare
trump, you've only got one sort of ally left
you like mass exterminations? lets get a line going on the 15
you've spent your life making yourself attractive to men like that, make it into something good
that salesman's patter is preternatural
and the purpose is personal defence
once upon a time figure skating
today, get up at 3am and work on tearing my acl so that some day i can maybe be on tv
how does this culture make everything so unhealthy?
if your thoughts and prayers aren't directed towards avoiding future tragedies
then you are just sanctimoniously trauma dumping
and i'm sure you will condemn me for not doing the same
being talented and famous won't make you happy
donny doesn't think it is appropriate to talk about africa right now?
it is all the same war
nobody respects the united states of america
and that threatens world peace
if i show something that the world will respect
that threatens the united states
i have to fight yall because you talked too much shit
while being too fucking small, and too fucking weak
i guess the cia's femme fatale was the chiquita banana lady
you gumshoes have been in over your head since the world was black and white
i hear you asking Him to do it again
because you can still call it an accident
and you are
at the least, there is a no fly order on the military?
i'm the millenial
you people just heard of the game
i believe the aleut word for this is mckindling
i'm trying to think of a fair way to describe the cost of an f-35
$82 million?
or the >$1.5 billion in spending it represents?
for a thread of the king's codpiece?
it is very hard to give an accurate prognosis from four centuries ago
but trump sure fills the silhouette?
can anybody imagine trump refusing antibiotics?
this is how you kill one of those with words
convince them they are in a hall of mirrors
some people cannot survive that experience
only miracle i know
all people named spencer must be wondering...
A sporoderm layer surrounding the exine of many spores
top comment
6 years ago
1988: "wow this song is amazing!"
2018: "wow this song is amazing!"
3055: "wow this song is amazing!"
look, am i supposed to know who the current elites in the beltway are to be considered legitimate?
you don't matter anymore
it is a zeus coming down sort of thing
how many followers do you have on instagram?
have you spent your career avoiding public scrutiny
and invested in quietly giving oral favors to important men?
well, then, you double don't fucking matter, you are free now
new shoes
you can guess how i found out about all of God's tricks
nobody else took this as a warning?
i'm all that's new
cia unable to detect direct attacks?
all they can see are their frequent flyer miles
who really provides security?
does it really matter how foosball is rigged? it is rigged
i am a chiefs fan and football fan
while my team got to win, you all got to think it was real
unfortunately, i like dropping banners more than football, it is a sad thing
you are grounded
found them
you gotta know the language of the native
meet everyone's God
mr universe, a body no one should love
my God is the hot one
how much physics do you really want to know?
you want to rule the world, you have to seduce a cougar
who knew?
tear down your walls and defund your police
i don't understand the physics of megaphones
this guys sure sounds civilized when he isn't covering up for police who killed children
why is liking edward snowden the big gotcha on tulsi gabbard?
most people who know what he did do like him
what fucking fascist fossils have the new york times and cnn got working for them?
the cruella look has got them nibbling uncle sam's boots
but i guess they know something now
kbc void
apparently that toys with your observations
globular clusters tell the story of their formation
anybody else got anything?
Hey kid, shake it loose together
The spotlight's hitting something
That's been known to change the weather
We'll kill the fatted calf tonight, so stick around
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're gonna hear electric music, solid walls of sound
the jet is hitting something known to alter the passage of time
we can cheat the universe together
but we won't get any help
should i feel bad for the air traffic controller?