Donald Trump wrongly says Spain is a BRICS group member
one guy in the comments knew what he meant
brick the pigs
that's better and you want me to remember that?
does your economic slur come with an offensive hand gesture?
i think trump and elon are just pointing out that bloomberg terminals should come with lawn jockeys
finance bros and their families have been farming these beats for a while
there is a predator out there that you don't know about
and there is a cost to knowing things other people don't know
These open doors
i couldn't remember what the s in brics was either
it doesn't seem like nuclear disarmament requires much precision
but i don't think i live near any silos
are you guys aware of any evidence that God has lightning powers?
He started training in a Kuk Sool Won school, as he wanted some martial arts credentials aside from his boxing championship,[7] only to find out that the school was already training a fighter to compete in UFC. Gary was forced to fight him, and he won in dominant fashion, so he was quickly offered a 4th degree black belt and a free dobok if he represented the school at the event. He ended up going to UFC 8 with less than a month's experience in the art.
i don't know what i'm doing, but you guys really don't know what you're doing
sorry for interrupting your lives
i guess power gives you what you want
you guys want sashimi
i want to be invisible but it gives me nightmares
He is suddenly likable
if you gave the cia a trillion dollars they couldn't accomplish that
we are wound up, and you people are fucking around with us?
if you want to act like raccoons, you will get treated like them
if you've published documents that justify your behavior
We have too, ours are better
give up the whole patriot act, We know you guys are just pervs
you're blind, fold
people need to hear what i have to say
it treats insomnia
and people think i'm dead
Pussy had me dead
if you're gonna live forever, i guess you owe the universe a few down bad decades
people are like
well, dad went to bed
we can play
i saw him in westwood?
don't play
sick nickname
an account made to troll people
if people had the context that it was righeous protest art, they might feel differently about it
if you're broke in orange county, you saying you wouldn't take a job wearing a costume at disneyland?
it is a total recall compaign
the world needs only one governator
irc bot chain taking over channel usa
to sell real estate