So really we all benefit from those gorgeous monsters of mine.
you can also just yell at people, "calm down!"
i'm not qualified to offer an opinion on what einstein meant when he said God does not play dice
with respect to quantum mechanics
but i can tell you, as a gambler, God is the type to do what the math says 💯
it turns out, sometimes the optimal strategy is to be a complete troll
there is suffering in this universe
to a perfect person, the very notion of creating life should be offensive
and a perfect person would not also be a hypocrite
or an uncommited nihilist
so only the ugly go on living
but another way to look at it
you were born beautiful
the universe put those scars on you
and you were too stubborn to die
According to a 2016 study, religion contributes about $1.2 trillion to the US economy, which is equivalent to the 15th largest national economy in the world.
i'm suing to get out of my conservatorship
God doesn't really need money, so i'll take her share
and settle for an even trillion per year
hyperinflation adjusted, of course
i suddenly remembered my charlemagne
i feel like i should explain to angels how it is to be a real boy
i am a snowflake
i'm not an alpha, i'm a sub
this is the soundbar
there was a time that fine ladies wore such elaborate costumes
they required the help of servants to dress
rip apartheid nail salons
hope i have enough socks... it's gonna be cold
weather or not