clarification to the ghosts
i'm often depicted as a blonde
because my parent still sees me the way i was when i was a kid

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Lore has multiple meanings:
Traditional knowledge
A body of knowledge or tradition that is passed down through a culture, usually orally. For example, "the lore of baseball heroes" or "the lore of herbs".
Fictional background
The background information about fictional characters, places, and situations in a book, movie, or computer game that fans accept as true.

Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens. - Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.

the thing is
to the old roman generals of whom nietzsche speaks
as long as you lived through a battle yourself
still had your fief and its revenue
you could always go buy more soldiers, in a world where that was the only path out of serfdom
and the ones who died were more likely to be the ones who were weak
change that thinking or meet conan, generals

Military members can be prosecuted for obeying illegal orders

the goal is to disappear behind their masks as pleasant, interchangeable helpers

your adversary is motivated to avoid trillions of years of regret

none of the other stars are as smart as me