Bill Gates "by himself"
imagine running up on him and finding out bill gates is tawny kitaen

Zuckerberg wore a $900k watch while announcing Meta’s end to fact checking
hey, sometimes you just really got let people know what time it is

does a person's mouse hover over forbidden fruit for too long?
zuckerborg must know

a belief system is like an operating system
have my competitors at copland come up with a coherent explanation of reality yet?

We predicted this a long time ago

asking me why i don't want to talk to politicians is like asking wayne gretzky why he came to LA rather than trying to spend more time with the stanley cup
as far as i can see you people travel from place to place for photo ops
reading off teleprompters as though struck by a mallet
carve my name on your faces a few times
after that, what else is the use of you?
go rest in a museum

nathan hochman is like
if somebody created personified rage-bait dressed as a 90s used-car salesman
and lately the rich of lose angeles have been reminiscing about of their old ls400s

remember that time that the pigs tried everything they could think of to kill me?

i don't play riot games, but i want people to play riot games

the only way to win is not to play the game

i saw, they just cut a fire line on mulholland drive

they were handing out food
that was donated by the public
at the rose bowl parking lot
but the government ordered them to leave to make room for the national guardscouts to tailgate ✌️

two dicks and the sheriffs balls 🤣

God sometimes turns his into walking psas against cosmetic surgery
then they look like that

He's got lots of jobs
the trouble is, i hear that when you work for the government
you've got a contract sometimes and you can't just quit
so i guess other vectors get followed

in the mushroom kingdom
goombas are being reassigned to their more natural activities
like assisting the disabled
and walking around on grass in a pattern

love's such an old-fashioned word

i see why everyone loves my contribution to love so much

an aquarium tipped on its side is a bad table for microscopes

i am suing for alien nation of affection

i often get the feeling that i've often repeated myself in writing this book

worth repeating