“Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” he said.

i guess if it takes project 2025 to get rid of yall🤷

jeff buckley drowned in a river?

the era of the washingtonians was suprisingly brief

i guess that what i do is not impressive
to people who are too fucking broken to pay attention

i tried to study PID controllers once
brain melted
how the fuck spacex did this?

together, we can accomplish anything


you know how trump always accuses others of doing what he is doing
he makes it obvious, because that's what he is here to teach
that's how psychopaths work, especially when under stress
there are coping mechanisms that they are simply incapable of developing

A second Trump term would be a huge risk for America, and dangerous. Donald Trump is increasingly unstable and unhinged

i wonder if she's struggling with the black male vote
because black men are attuned to what a race traitor smells like
and DA harris got all that stank

i'll tell you, washingtonians are traitors to the human race

yo, harris, imagine a jury where everybody has been briefed on jury nullification
you gonna win?
You can however, refuse an order for being unethical, illegal, or immoral

you know how to collect rain water?

how a black woman wears a wig

the pineal gland is more important than people think
not that flouride isn't also important for human health
it's absence cause acute illness
overabundance causes maladies down near the noise floor of present statistical tools

Yo, G, they can't stop me from rappin', can they?

Cheating alleged after men’s world conker champion found with steel chestnut
joe biden is cheating bitch

and a snow man, y'know

joe was like
if i have to talk to old people, i'm gonna do some blow
like he doesn't know he is the old person everybody hates talking to

mossad delivers your coke?


anybody ever pop the pimples on their butt and eat the puss?
apropos of nothing

i get why yall thought you could win this war

not understanding your own priviledge
makes it impossible to intelligently deal with reality

i was conscripted

you think this is for victoria's amusement?

that guy said some racist shit once
fuck him

didn't see any straight jackets when i got 5250d

i don't even have a hair and makeup person
broke my sternum

you're too fucking small

i hear that their government claims to own these endangered animals
is it true that possession is 9/10ths of the law?

gonna need more than little people to get rid of me, it seems

join the american military
and their leaders will sell your tangina to anybody

down came the reign and washed the spiders out

so, for future audiences, it seems that kamala and joe
tried sending some special forces dudes to kidnap and/or kill me
because the cia ran out of ideas/dudes
and as i explicity told them
i am allied with the universes only known real pokémon trainer

richard nixon just ordered some burglary
not murder, kidnapping, coups

Referencing an old interview where the rapper said if he ever disappeared and came back acting differently it wouldn't really be him, Cavallari said she believed the Illuminati was responsible for the alleged cloning.

not too far off
cia should watch more reality tv
they'd know more about reality than they do currently
rule #1 of reality tv
you need some skeezy looking dude who likes to stir shit up

apparently, a lot of these people are such fucking junkies that the main thing they want to know is what drug i'm taking
they can't conceive of anything else, because it's how they "function"

Surging demand leaves many without crucial diabetes and ADHD medications

pinche wedos

stephen carega, sarasota, florida
you got a gun, florida man, use it

Nemo me impune lacessit

Man allegedly killed by son,19, near trail off Mt. Baldy was renowned photojournalist


yo, china, wtf?
i'm expecting your hitters to look like jet li
and instead they look like baby birds
are you trying to promote your governments chronic inability to equitably feed its population?

and i understand that any sort of violent shit you do outside of china
is primarly intended to intimidate your own nationals/diaspora abroad
but look at the photographer up there
that's what you're supposed to do
look legit
like, could you give your people a briefing on bathing?
i know asian people don't stink as much as i do
but if you don't bathe
you do end up smelling like garlic and rancid pork

i work for uncle sam

don't worry kids
Jordan Catalano isn't real
he can't hurt you

42 names added to NYC memorial for honoring cops who died in line of duty: ‘Tree of freedom … watered … with their blood’

When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
-- taylor swift's cousin

you don't do crime
make money
buy beats and become a rapper
you do crime and become God's jewelry

like She won you playing skee-ball

A La Niña winter is coming.

By law, a cargo ship could carry up to 12 passengers without being classified as a passenger ship,

air travel was an important technology before the internet was invented

stratified charge
the rich parts burn first
it is efficient
the SCORE engine

@Texans please put him to bed
"why won't you support exceptions for rape and incest?"
actual answer
which no pro-lifers know
the rape genes are the essential impetus for the pro-life movement
richard dawkins is a genius

you support all life?
turn off your refrigerator and let it all rot, you genocidal piece of shit

you want cia or sia?

i think therefore i are

so, what did i say?
matt gaetz
who was the other one?
i will beat up your ex-boyfriend on ppv
you write a song that good, i will beat up some punk-ass bitch
i did it to the united states of american government
and others

i mean, God suggested that i say this
so i can probably stunlock him as a natural fact
but if i can't, i can take a beating too
no problem

if he does't want to do it on tv
i will find him on the street

when i ask washington dc to say the nicene creed

i guess those wiggers don't want teeth
fuck you, kamala
you are a pain to me

it would be easy for God
to put a QR code for my website on every newsstand on earth
to put my name everywhere
this is your plea bargain moment

you will not be president
trump will be president
and i will take four months off
torture is certain
haven't you said these things to many people as a DA?
did you not make every effort to make sure that this would be the outcome of my life?
as a schizophrenic endeavoring to improve his own life through freedom of speech

if you continue pretending it isn't happening
that may be the outcome that God anticipated
and therefore the best possible outcome for Us